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Artsy things [some thoughts and sound design]

I've recently come to a conclusion that true inspiration rarely comes from inside one's preferred genre (in music, that is)

Moreover, I remember my history and society studies teacher mr. K, a skilled artist himself, in high school having a theory that the groundbreaking, avant-garde stuff makes it's way into different art forms and our consciousness through graphic art.

Paintings, in other words.

There's no use going in-depth in the history side of things but there is a point, if you look at prehistoric art, which along with ceramic works and jewelry forms the artistic footprint which was left by our ancestors (the dinosaurs at Reddit's r/music might argue that they have a wild tribal house groove etched on a round piece of clay resembling a vinyl record but until then, we're stuck with the cave paintings and Ming Vases)

Anyway, I applied for a job as an art exhibition janitor for the summer (intendant sounds fancier but I'm far from that in terms of education and knowledge, plus I like to lay low)

While wandering around the halls I was asked to make a soundscape for the exhibition, which is finished by the way and waiting for the approval of the manager, and more so, while writing this blog post, I came up with a thought of the artists of pre-historic ages "embedding" musical and rhythmical notation in their works, most of which were mainly used in ceremonies.

But that's just my guess.

P.S : I'll include the ambient soundscape here in my website as a background music once it gets a green light (or not), for it's fair for those of you who don't have a chance to visit the exhibition.

P.P.S : It's there.. let me know what you think! Here's a download link to a 320kbps file.

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